Corporate Social Responsibility is the responsibility of an organization for the impact of it decisions and activities on society and environment through transparent and ethical behavior. Corporate Social Responsibility focus on what an organization does that affect the society in which it exist. Main Munah (2007) state that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): refers to strategies cooperation or firms conduct their business in a way that is ethically, society friendly and beneficial to community in terms of environment. Corporate Social Responsibility of an organization of an organizations survival has been a subject of study and debate both in academics and business sector respectively. As the society have goals so are firms dwelling in it. It is therefore born out of logical assumption because the firm is a creation of society. It has a responsibility in the accomplishment of the society. The better the accomplishment of these goals the longer such firm will survive in the society. The tides of social responsibility presuppose that industries have not only economic and legal obligations but also certain responsibility that extend to society and beyond. Social responsibility simply means the obligation of decision makers in a cooperation to take actions with project and improve the welfare of the society along with their own interest. The cooperation being talked about here includes public and private owned enterprises. However many firms and cooperation in Nigeria are concern with only making profit and maximizing profit. They forget that firm needs the understanding and support of society which constitute their customers for survival, this therefore presupposes that for an organization to remain in operation it should embark on activities that will improve or bring about development for the society thereby improving its public image. The activities being talked about here include but not limited to provision of jobs, paying taxes, contributing to community cleaning and preserving the ecological purity of the area. The present study uses Prudent Energy Ogharaki, Delta state Nigeria as case study to determine the extent of corporate social responsive image which the company has created in the minds of the people if any and to find out if the responsive image created has in any way contributed to the survival of the firm throughout the years of stay in the locality.
Evidence about relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and organization survival is normal. In spite of the existing of some literature about the role of Corporate Social Responsibility in the aspect of environment and society, there is a significant gap about how Corporate Social Responsibility contribute to the survival of an organization. Due to lack of documented evidence of the effect, hence, the researchers interest was to find out and document the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the survival of Prudent Energy Oghareki, Delta state Nigeria.
The general objective of this study is to identify and examine the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the survival of Prudent Energy Oghareki. The study also have the following specific objectives.
1. To state the benefit derived by staffs and host community for social responsibility project.
2. To state and analyze if any of the community development projects provided by the organization.
3. Identify the reason for prudent energy’s involvement in social responsibility.
4. To recommend to the organization management important options required for the satisfactory implementation of social commitment to relationship between the firm and community.
· Do Prudent Energy Oghareki identify the need of the community before applying for social responsibility?
· Do individuals in the host community benefit positively from prudent energy?
· Does the social responsibility of prudent energy contribute to its survival in the community?
· Has social responsibility of prudent energy to the community increased their productivity and safety?
Since the study is based on the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on organization survival, research hypothesis is applied and questionnaires are design to test the test the hypothesis. Hypothesis One
Ho: There is no significant relationship between corporate social relationship and organization survival.
H1: There is a significant relationship between corporate social relationship and organization survival.
Hypothesis Two
Ho: There is no significant relationship between community satisfaction and the company’s social responsibility programmes.
H1: There is a significant relationship between community satisfaction and the company’s social responsibility programmes.
The study is significant in a number of ways. It brings to limelight the significance of Corporate Social Responsibility on the survival of an organization. Further, the research is of great value to Prudent Energy Oghareki on the bases upon which the embark on project deployment and how those project contribute to their continual survival. The study also contribute to the growing body of knowledge, in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility and it is our hope that researchers who wish to carry out further investigation in area of scholarship use this as a point of reference.
This study focuses only on Corporate Social Responsibility from a global perspective, looking at its objective and effects on organizational survival. Out of the many firms that exist in the locality, Prudent Energy Oghareki was selected as a case study in this research.